You can edit the price of an item, apply a discount, add notes to the item, and reorder items in the cart. This tutorial will show you how to do all of the above.
Items default to the "Cost" entered on the Admin>Products>Items page. However, you can manually override item prices in the ERS Control Panel on the "Cart" page. To override a price, add the item to your cart under Scheduling>Book as you normally would. Or, if you'd like to adjust the price on an item in an already existing order, you can click into the "Cart" icon for that order.
Note: Employees with Access Level "4" or higher can override prices. For more information see the tutorial: User Groups and Access Levels.
On the "Cart" screen, click the price of the item next to the picture:
To adjust the price of the item without adding a note, enter in the new price, then click Update Price:
To apply a discount to the item and add a note with the discount, choose Discount, then enter in the discount you'd like to apply. This will add a note to the item name area, as per the image below:
You can also use Note to add a note to the item name area, and you can use Move Up and Move Down to reorder items in the Cart. See the gif below for an example:
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