Within Version 3 (V3) Routing, Event Rental Systems allows Event Delivery and Pickup dates to be moved to different days. This feature helps add flexibility to schedule your drop-offs and pickups during busy times. For example, you may have a very busy Saturday where meeting delivery times could be a challenge. Moving some of these deliveries to Friday will help alleviate the busy route on Saturday.
Note: Delivery is locked by default to prevent unintended changes. Click the "lock icon" to unlock the route and make changes:
To change the dates:
Navigate to "Routing" within the Control Panel (the "Delivery" tab).
Click on a delivery day to change the orders within.
To modify an order, click on the order box.
At the bottom of the box that appears is an option for "Move Delivery / Pickup Dates".
Click "Move Delivery / Pickup Dates".
Change the dates in the dropdown boxes.
Click "Submit" to commit changes.
The new delivery time will appear within the Routing order box under "Scheduled:".
Notifying Customers of Delivery and Pickup Times via Text Message
For normally scheduled deliveries, or modified ones, there are several options to notify your customers of the change. One of Event Rental Systems most popular features is the ability to Text Message customers. Text messaging is an additional paid feature available under a tiered pricing structure:
Text messaging is built into Routing V3 when you click on one of the truck numbers:
After clicking the text messaging icon, click "Send" to text message customers and inform them of their delivery and pickup times:
The text message verbiage is available under Admin>General Config>Routing Settings:
Notifying Customers of Delivery and Pickup Times via Email
Besides text message, Event Rental Systems offers two other options for emailing customers either manually or automatically. Automatic Messages are configured under Admin>Documents>Automatic Messages. These emails will send automatically based on the configuration.
Manual message templates are created under Admin>Documents>Email Messages for Events.
Once a template is created, click on a customer’s email address anywhere in the Control Panel to manually type an email or choose from your templates.
Merge Fields
To auto-populate Event, Delivery, and Pickup information, Event Rental Systems uses "Merge Fields" in square brackets. Merge fields automatically insert content from other areas of the system to prevent manually typing the information multiple times. The following Merge Fields are available specifically for Event, Delivery, and Pickup times:
Event Merge Fields
[order:event_full_timespan] - Shows the event’s start day, date, and time. Also shows the event’s end day, date, and time (if different).
[order:event_start_datetime] Shows the event start date and time
[order:event_start_date] - Shows the event start date
[order:event_start_time]- Shows the event start time
Delivery Merge Fields
[order:start_day_of_week] - Shows the delivery day
[order:start_datetime] - Shows the delivery date and time
[order:start_date] - Only shows the delivery date
[order:start_time] - Only shows the delivery time
Pickup Merge Fields
[order:end_day_of_week] - Shows the pickup day
[order:end_datetime] - Shows the pickup date and time
[order:end_date] - Only shows the pickup date
[order:end_time] - Only shows the pickup time
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